DEAR DEIDRE: AM I disrespecting my late husband if I take off my wedding ring?
He passed away six years ago but this feels like such a big step.
I still have a busy life, my children are brilliant and call me most days.
I’ve got a dog and I have met another dog-walker – a man who is 55. I’m 53. We walk along and we chat.
He’s a divorcee. When he asked if I had anyone, I just said, “No”.
There’s a real connection. We like the same music, books and cooking. We watch the same sort of TV shows.
My dog pulls on her lead so I wear gloves, whatever the weather so he’s never seen my hands.
He has asked me out and I really want to go but I’m not sure whether to remove my wedding ring because I’ve not told him my situation.
Should I remove it for our date? I’m also worried about what the kids will say.
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DEIDRE SAYS: It’s not disrespectful to take off your ring but if it feels better for you, swap it to your left hand.There won’t be a day that goes by when you don’t think about your husband.
If you’re ready to move on and find somebody else whether it is six months or six weeks after losing a loved one, that is your business and nobody else’s.
Your children are supportive so I imagine they’d prefer to think of you having a new friend or even in a relationship, than thinking about you being lonely.
You’ve got a lot of time ahead of you so enjoy it.