A MILLIONAIRE’s wife has given an insight into what her life is really like being married to a super rich businessman from Dubai.
From having her husband spend £39,000 on her in one week, to getting bought designer bags and clothes on a regular basis, Soudi Al Nadak, 27, lives a true glamorous life.

But being married to such a rich man also brings its problems.
Soudi, from Sussex, met businessman Jamal Al Nadak, 33, whilst the pair were both studying at university in Dubai.
They have now been together for eight years and married for four, with Soudi having relocated to Dubai permanently to join Jamal.
Soudi frequently offers glimpses into the couple’s opulent lifestyle on her TikTok account, where she has amassed over 1.2 million followers.
And in one of her recent videos, which documented her holiday with Jamal in Italy, Soudi revealed that she needs to ensure he doesn’t get a second wife.
Narrating over her holiday video, she says: “The problem with being with a millionaire is you never know when he is going to get a second wife.
“So in order to make sure this never happens is to make sure I spend enough of his money for two wives especially on holiday.
“At the moment we are in Italy so I am making sure to keep him always busy, this way he doesn’t even have time to think about another wife during our six week long Europe trip.”
The couple went out for meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner, whilst also exploring around towns and up the top of mountains.
Soudi, who was wearing all black Prada sunglasses, continues: “It is so beautiful here and I feel so blessed to be here.
“Hubby had the best time too.
“He planned the perfect day for us, as perfect as our marriage and it was so romantic.
“Hubby even put the phone down to truly enjoy today and we all know how rare that is.
“The last time he did that was probably at our wedding.”
Glad you are keeping him too busy for wife number two
TikTok commenter
Soudi has over 1.3 million followers on TikTok, and many people often rush to her comments section to share their thoughts.
One wrote: “l don’t think he’ll ever get a second wife. He’s so in love with you.”
Another added: “Now this is girl maths at its finest.”
Whilst someone else said: “Jamal would NEVER even think of a second wife!

“You can just tell by the way he looks at you and you look at him.
“So much love to you both!”
Another complimented Soudi by writing: “Stunning. Glad you are keeping him too busy for wife number two.”
And a TikTok user also said: “Love your mindset.”
Best millionaire housewives to follow on social media
Linda Andrade – @lionlindaa
Soudi Al Nadak – @soudiofarabia
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