SOCIAL media manager Marvin Walters* admits having multiple affairs, and here he tells Kirsten Jones why blokes stray . . .
“The fact of the matter is, most men cheat.

It’s just that some are better at hiding it than others.
My marriage went south a few years back for a number of complicated reasons.
But cheating gave me the opportunity to meet like-minded women and I was able to satisfy my needs that had been denied for some time.
I’ve slept with eight women while married to my wife.
My excuse? I needed romance, intimacy and passion in my life.
That was my choice, and my fault.
My wife doesn’t know I have multiple affairs.
I only ever meet up with women when I’m travelling.
I have too much respect for her to hook up with a local lady.
The risk of getting caught is way too high and the upset just isn’t worth it.
I don’t want to humiliate or embarrass my wife – I just want a connection with someone else, away from prying eyes.
Why do I have affairs?
Because I’m searching for something I don’t have.
I’m probably one of the many dumb guys who will eventually realise they had it all at home.
But it’s too late for that now.
The truth is, for a lot of men, cheating often becomes more than just transactional sex.
It can be a meeting of minds as well as bodies.
Lying in bed holding someone in your arms who genuinely wants to be there, and nowhere else, creates a wonderful connection and a feeling like no other.
Yes, it was bittersweet in that, for me, this feeling wasn’t with my wife and yes, that will be a burden I will carry with me for a long time, but it was a price worth paying.
I’ve always wanted more from an affair than just stripping off in a hotel room
I’ve always wanted more from an affair than just stripping off in a hotel room.
I want a romantic connection, an emotional commitment for the time I’m with them.
And let’s not forget, for a guy to cheat, he has to have someone to cheat with.
Every adulterous man has to have a willing “partner in crime”.
It takes two to tango.
I’ve never slept with anyone who hasn’t freely wanted to be there – it’s not all the man’s fault.”
- Name has been changed