A WOMAN who claimed to be in a sexual relationship with a Boeing passenger plane has revealed it’s over – but says they remain friends.
Michele Köbke from Berlin had been in a decade-long romantic relationship with a Boeing 737-800 jetliner.

She even planned an intimate wedding with the aircraft in the Netherlands and hoped to stay with it forever.
But she revealed that she has now broken up with her unusual partner, claiming it was a friendly split.
She told Bild: “We’re still friends”.
Describing her relationship with the Boeing jetliner, she added: “It’s like a normal relationship, we have relaxing evenings together and when we go to bed, we cuddle and fall asleep together.”
The 30-year-old claimed to have fallen in love with the aircraft in 2014 when she was in Berlin Tegel airport.
Michele was immediately attracted to its wings, winglets and thrusters, and after six years of only being able to meet the plane through the glass window of the airport, she was able to kiss the 40-tonne jet and stand on one of its wings in September 2019.
She even nicknamed the 737-800 “Schatz” which means darling in German.
She said: “The time in the hangar was the most beautiful moment of my life and when I was with him, we enjoyed our time together, we kissed and I caressed him.
“I plan to move into the hangar one day and my biggest dream is to be with Schatz and to live with him.
“I also want to marry him in the hangar and spend the whole night with him.
“I wouldn’t want to put on a white dress, but dress really smartly with black trousers and a black blazer.”
Michele was diagnosed with a condition that experts like to call Objectophilia – a sexual or romantic attraction towards inanimate objects.
Dr Werner Platz, a forensic psychiatrist and private lecturer, told the German newspaper that some 40 people across the world are known to have the condition.
“It is a so-called paraphilia, a disorder of sexual preference. But as long as it does not cause suffering or conflict, it cannot be classified as pathological or in need of treatment.”
But Michele doesn’t see the physical side of her relationship with Boeing as any different to humans.
She admitted in 2020 that she had only managed to meet her mechanical lover twice.
“I can only get close to him when I fly with him or when I can get to him in the hangar, which has only happened once in my life.”
“I wish it was more accepted in society, there are always people who don’t accept it. I’m simply different and I stand for my love to my 737.”
Sexual attraction towards non-living objects
SOME people can emotionally and sexually attracted to things that people see around in daily lives.
Objectophilia is a form of sexuality focused on particular inanimate objects.
For example, people can be sexually aroused by buildings, or in Michele Kobke’s case, planes.
Those with Objectophilia may have strong feelings of attraction, love and commitment to certain items or structures of their fixation.
Psychology Matters explains that such individuals rarely have sex or form any kind of romantic relationship with other humans.
Instead, they develop strong emotional fixations to a particular thing or structure.
The object of their desire is seen as an equal partner in the “relationship”.