DEAR DEIDRE: My daughter’s wedding day is in September, but she only wants me to attend, not her father.
We are devastated.
I’m 63 and my husband is 65. All of this started with a silly argument over looking after our dog when we went on holiday to Spain.
We asked my daughter and her fiancé if they could dog-sit for us and they both agreed when we gave them the dates.
A month before we were due to go, my daughter phoned and said that her fiancé had booked for them to go to France so they couldn’t have the dog.
My husband took the phone off me and my daughter put her fiancé on the phone and they ended up having a slanging match.
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It was awful. I was upset. My daughter was in tears.
We had to postpone our flights and it cost us a cancellation fee.
She still phones me every week but her fiancé refuses to speak to us. He is waiting for an apology from my husband for shouting.
The invitation has just arrived in the post but it’s only addressed to me. That means that my husband won’t be walking his only daughter down the aisle which is something we both wanted.
What can we do to put things right?
DEIDRE SAYS: Tell your husband how much this is upsetting you and ask him to swallow his pride and apologise for flying off the handle.
There may have been issues from both sides but sometimes, you just have to accept that apologising is the only way to move on and it would be better if you could both go to the wedding.
You don’t want this issue to become embedded and jeopardise your future family relationships.
If your husband makes the call, ask him to follow it up by inviting them out for lunch to encourage everyone to put this problem in the past.
My support pack called Wedding Worries may help you too.