A TEENAGER has revealed how she got engaged on her 16th birthday – after her partner blind-sided her.
Sarah Preston, now 19, had been with her previous boyfriend for just six months when he popped the question.

After celebrating with a birthday meal and presents, the day ended with a shock proposal and Sarah agreeing to the massive commitment.
The musical theatre student said: “I was young, naive and confused, so I said yes.”
Sarah, from Fife, reckons being asked such a big question at a young age was always going to end in her agreeing.
After dinner, she headed back to her ex-partner’s house and was told her main present was upstairs.
She thought she was getting a new dog after being told to close her eyes.
But she was floored when she opened them to see her partner on one knee.
Despite the romantic gesture, the relationship quickly deteriorated.
She was in for another shock when the ex-boyfriend got her name tattooed on his arm without telling her in advance.
With no concrete plans for an actual wedding, the pair stayed together for three more years until they eventually called it a day.
She said: “I think laughter is the best medicine, so I am glad it made people smile.
“Me and my friends laugh about the story now because there was no way any of them would let me marry him.
“The only thing that changed was the relationship, that is when things started to go downhill.
“It’s not something I am embarrassed about happening as it has taught me a lot of important lessons.”
Meanwhile, a Scot went one step beyond in popping the question as he set up an onstage proposal at a music legend’s concert.
The couple were rocking out to 70s icons Madness as they performed at Edinburgh Castle this month.
But the groom-to-be had set up an elaborate plan to show how madly in love he was.
The legendary Ska band started to perform their 1981 hit It Must Be Love.
Frontman Suggs belted out the tune as the word love appeared on the huge screen behind the band.
Love hearts then started to float across the screen, Suggs stopped singing and started slowly clapping his hands.
The singer got the rest of the band and the crowd joined in.
A picture of a couple then slowly appeared on the giant screen.
One fan, John, had planned the set up to propose to partner Heather.
A message then slowly appeared behind the band.
It read: “Heather, you are my world. Will you marry me. Lots of love, John XX.”
The gathered crowd erupted into a massive cheer as the all-important question appeared on the screen.
Right on cue, Madness erupted back into song and belted out the chorus.