DEAR DEIDRE: I had far too much to drink at my son’s wedding and I was sick in my hotel room.
Now the hotel won’t allow me back – but I need to stay there again.
I’m a 56-year-old proud mum to a man of 31, who got married last summer.
I’ve never been a big drinker, and on the big day, I was so nervous about the wedding that I didn’t have any breakfast.
Then, at the reception, I had too many glasses of champagne. People kept topping up my glass.
By the time the party ended and I went to bed, I knew I was drunk.
The room was spinning. In the middle of the night, I woke up and vomited all over the bed.
I felt so rough the next day, I called an early taxi and shoved all the bedding into the bath.
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My son and his wife now have a baby girl of three months. My daughter-in-law needs an operation, and my son has asked if I can help out with the baby while she’s in hospital.
But they live in a tiny, one-bed flat in the middle of nowhere.
And the only hotel is the one I stayed in for their wedding.
When I phoned the hotel and gave my name, I was told I wasn’t welcome to stay there anymore.
I feel so ashamed. What can I do?
DEIDRE SAYS: Write a letter or send an email to the general manager and apologise unreservedly, explaining that you had an upset tummy and couldn’t wait around to explain to them in person.
Tell them you’re a woman who would not normally behave in this way, and offer to pay for any extra cleaning.
Request that you are allowed to make another booking.
If they still say no then look for an AirB&B locally. Failing that, you may have to invest in a camp bed to stay with your son until his wife recovers. Good luck.