‘HELL hath no fury like a woman scorned.’
It’s a common saying – but how true is it?

One Facebook user found out after requesting people’s wildest break up revenge stories.
Posting to Family Lowdown Tips and Ideas, a group which has 1.2 million members, the user asked others for the “pettiest thing” they have done to get back at an ex.
And the replies were shocking, with 333 people writing back with their most jaw-dropping acts of vengeance.
Clothing collateral damage
While putting their broken hearts back together, some women headed straight for their exes’ wardrobes.
The found a load of inventive ways to ensure their exes wouldn’t have any date night outfits left.
One woman wrote: “Put glitter in all his stuff when packing it up, in all the pockets, shoes, the whole lot.”
A scorned bride wrote: “My ex left me for the wedding florist 12 weeks before our wedding.
“I took all his clothes into her florist shop and scattered them everywhere.”
Another person chimed in: “I know someone who cut all the armpits out of all his shirts and put them back in the wardrobe.”
Betrayal baking
One of the most gag-worthy comebacks included some callous cooking.
One user revealed: “My friend cooked her ex a cat meat pie.”
Members in the comments immediately panicked, with one asking her to clarify: “I hope you mean cat food meat pie?”
Thankfully, she replied: “Yeah, Felix chunks I believe.”

Digital drama
A few members plotted cunning ways to make sure their exes wouldn’t be able to enjoy any music or TV in their new-found alone time.
One person said: “My mum’s ex (many years ago) was a huge fan of house music. He had a collection of CDs which were worth a lot of money.
“She took each CD out of its case and scratched them. There were like 50 CDs.”
Someone else said: “Put milk in his Xbox and scratched all the games.”

And another person claimed: “I was connected to his Netflix account, so when I saw he was watching a series, I would skip half way through. When he went to watch stuff it would start midway.”
Horrified men
The comments were soon full of stressed men reacting to the drama.
One bloke wrote: “Lots of unhinged women in this group, just saying.”
Another said: No wonder some of you nutters were cheated on.”
Why you should never get back with an ex

…which might explain why so many of us end up going back to them. But I know from experience that you should never go back to an ex.”
Samantha Brick looks back on marrying her first boyfriend, several years after they broke up, and why it wasn’t a good idea.
“I met David* when we were just teenagers and we enjoyed a steamy on-off relationship until our early 20s, when our young love ran its course and we split — only to reconnect several years later in 2021 and then marry a year later.
Our marriage didn’t last.
The allure of an ex is so overwhelming. You forget what went wrong and focus on their good parts.
But unless you address those issues that caused you to split in the first place — then they will always be there and will break you up again.
And there is a part of all us women which remains in love with the first person we have ever told we loved (and meant it). Even more so when, like me, it is the first person I slept with.
But people rarely change and the problems that irked you the first time around never go away.”
Read Samantha’s article in full – here.