A GRANDAD has proudly displayed the same set of fairy lights on his Christmas tree for 50 years in a row.
Michael Gardner, 73, bought the set of 24 bulbs for £1.50 in 1974.

They were the first decorations he and his late wife Margaret purchased as a married couple, and he has hung them on his tree every year since.
The hardy lights, made by British electrical goods brand Pifco, have survived a house move, the birth of three children, and the arrival of two grandchildren.
And Michael has had to replace only one bulb in half a century.
The former catering lecturer, from Norwich, told The Sun: “We bought them for our first house, the first year we were married, back in 1974.
“I kept the original box and I carefully package them away each year.
“In those 50 years, only one bulb has gone — but they came with six spares, so I haven’t had to fork out for a new one.
“Things were made to last in the past.”
Michael, who lost wife Margaret on her 65th birthday in 2020, says the lights have huge “sentimental value”.
He is now hoping to pass them on to his children as an heirloom, joking: “At this rate, they might even see me out!”
A Pifco spokesman said: “We love hearing stories like this.
“Quality and reliability are at the heart of what we do.”