A WOMAN has revealed that she will be having both her wedding and her honeymoon in prison, as her husband-to-be is in jail for life.
Bronwen met Justin through a mutual friend back in 2003, when she was just 17 years old.
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Justin was already in prison when they first met, and they crossed paths after she accompanied a friend to visit her boyfriend in jail.
At first Bronwen, from Toronto, Canada, ignored Justin’s advances, as she said that she didn’t have any interest in dating a man with a criminal offence.
However, Justin, kept calling and calling her from inside the prison, so she finally gave in to him.
The couple began writing letters to each other, and after six months, Justin had “won” Bronwen’s heart.
The pair dated for a few years, but didn’t get to see each other much, so eventually went their separate ways.
However, 12 and a half years later, and after a string of bad relationships, mental health worker Bronwen decided to get back into contact Justin.
“I thought, ‘I wonder what Justin is doing?’, because this relationship kind of sucks and he was really nice,” she told Love Don’t Judge.
Bronwen revealed that Justin had moved prisons since they last spoke so it took her a long time to track him down.
However, she eventually found out that he was single, and after getting back into contact with him, the pair got engaged after just two weeks.
Due to Justin’s incarceration, the pair will have to get married inside the prison, which has strict rules about what they can have at the ceremony.
“It’s just a dark and gloomy place to have a celebration”, she said.
“We can’t play music, we can’t have any banners or any crazy fireworks or anything.”
Bronwen has spent £4,600 on the big day, but is worried that she won’t even be able to wear the dress she has picked up, as it it doesn’t cover her shoulders.
They are also only allowed to have two guests present at the ceremony, meaning that many of their nearest and dearest will miss out on the big day.
UK Prison Brides
- Tracey Bottomley married double murderer Ernest Otto Smith in the US after meeting through a prison pen pal initiative. Tracey, from West Yorks, knew he had been given a life sentence with no possibility of parole
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- Paula Williamson, an actress who appeared on Hollyoaks and Emmerdale, married the infamous Charles Bronson in 2017 after they became penpals
- Karen Charves married Kenny Richey while he was on death row in 2014. He had been convicted for starting a fire in 1986 that killed his ex-girlfriend’s daughter, aged two. Karen and Kenny’s union did not last and she claimed he was abusive.
- Naomi Wise, from Essex, married Victor Oquendo, nicknamed Animal, while he was serving a 24-year prison term in a US jail. They split up in 2022 but have now rekindled their romance
In the 21 years that Bronwen and Justin have known each other, they have never spent a night alone together.
However, she believes that the pair have a very strong relationship regardless.
“I feel like the love me and Justin have is a very healthy, real, non-toxic love that doesn’t exist anymore”, she said.
After the wedding, the couple will get to spend their honeymoon in a small house that is connected to the main prison.
“We’re just going to enjoy every single day as much as we can” Bronwen said.
Justin may never get out of prison, but Bronwen has hope that the pair will be together one day, and has even bought him a Mercedes Benz.
Bronwen has shared details of her unconventional relationship online, and has received a barage of hate from social media users.
People have said that their relationship is a “fantasy” and called Bronwen “embarrassing”, asking what Justin can bring to the relationship.
However, Bronwen just brushes off these comments, as she says the love she shares with Justin is “literally what you see in the movies.”
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